10 University in the US with the best scholarship opportunity for Linguistics and International Students in 2024-25

10 University in the US with the best scholarship opportunity for Linguistics and International Students in 2024-25

Finding fully funded scholarship opportunities for a Master’s degree in Linguistics or International Relations in the U.S. can be challenging, but there are several universities and programs that offer generous financial aid to international students from Bangladesh. Here are ten universities and their scholarship options that you can consider:

  1. Yale University
  • Scholarship: Yale University Scholarship
  • Details: This fully funded scholarship covers tuition and provides a generous stipend for living expenses. It is available for undergraduate, masters, and PhD students.
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  1. University of New Haven
  • Scholarship: University of New Haven Scholarship
  • Details: Provides 75% tuition assistance, an experiential learning opportunity, and an hourly wage for the entirety of the graduate program.
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  1. University of Memphis
  • Scholarship: University of Memphis Scholarship
  • Details: Covers the difference in cost between international and domestic tuition rates for undergraduate and masters students.
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  1. University of Minnesota
  • Scholarship: University of Minnesota Fellowship
  • Details: Offers full tuition coverage, living expenses, travel, and health insurance for masters students.
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  1. American Association of University Women (AAUW)
  • Scholarship: AAUW International Fellowship Program
  • Details: Provides $18,000 to $30,000 per year for graduate and postgraduate studies in any subject.
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  1. ACI Foundation
  • Scholarship: ACI Foundation Scholarship
  • Details: Offers $10,000 to $15,000 for tuition, residence, books, and materials for undergraduate, masters, PhD, and postdoctoral studies.
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  1. Fulbright Program
  • Scholarship: Fulbright Foreign Student Program
  • Details: Covers full tuition, a living stipend, full accommodation fees, airfare, and health insurance for masters and PhD students.
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  1. University of Notre Dame
  • Scholarship: Master of Global Affairs Scholarships
  • Details: Offers generous financial support including full-tuition scholarships and stipends for living expenses for students accepted into the Master of Global Affairs program.
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  1. University of Southern California (USC)
  • Scholarship: Annenberg Graduate Fellowships
  • Details: Available for students pursuing degrees in communications, journalism, public diplomacy, and other fields. Provides tuition and stipend support.
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  1. University of Denver
  • Scholarship: Josef Korbel School of International Studies Scholarships
  • Details: Offers full tuition scholarships and stipends for living expenses to students in the fields of International Studies and related disciplines.
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These universities not only provide excellent academic opportunities but also have robust scholarship programs that can significantly reduce the financial burden for international students. It’s essential to review each program’s requirements and deadlines to ensure timely and accurate applications.
